12 entries.
Anette Clausen
Broendby, Denmark
wrote on September 6, 2022
5:49 am
We had heard from our daughter about Gorica's amazing art, so we contacted her as we were in Vienna to find out where we could see her pictures. We were invited home to her house to see the pictures, and what a fantastic experience to meet the artist, hearing her story, seeing her work place and the most stunning pictures she is creating. We could have bought everything :). We bought a picture the day after, and we received it 3 days later. Last week we bought another picture and that arrived again only 3 days after. Thank you Gorica for sharing your art with us, we will be back 🙂 🙂 🙂
Ancona - Italy
wrote on September 4, 2022
8:43 am
I met Gorica from his website and the quality of his paintings was still highly perceptible. 3 days after I ordered the painting it had already arrived home and the only adjective that comes to my mind to describe it is: stunning!!!! The colors and the texture are INSANE!!! Thank you Gorica for making the places we live more beautiful
wrote on August 23, 2022
6:16 pm
Que pourrais-je dire? J’ai acheté le tableau nommé “ruine” et il est magnifique!! Personne n’est indifférent à sa beauté lorsque j’ai des invités chez-moi! Et le plus important, j’aime ce tableau de plus en plus! Je trouve de nouveaux détails lorsque je le regarde!! De belles couleurs et et des matériaux de qualité! Je ne peux que vous recommander Gorica et son art extraordinaire!
wrote on August 22, 2022
8:37 pm
Dopo essermi innamorato di un opera vista online ho commissionato un opera su misura, il mio desiderio era fare una sorpresa per la nuova casa a mia moglie per Natale, l’opera è stata completata in un mese e ne è uscito un capolavoro. Ne siamo entusiasti.
Corina Castro
wrote on August 22, 2022
2:51 pm
We are in love with our piece from Gorica! It is absolutely Beautiful and we have received many compliments.
Riekje Isberner
wrote on August 22, 2022
12:55 pm
Ich liebe Ihre Bilder, jedes einzelne ist so besonders. Danke für die liebevolle Verpackung mit kleiner persönlicher Nachricht und den unkomplizierten Versand. Ich freue mich jeden Tag, wenn ich das Bild anschaue.
Angelo Guarnaccia
wrote on August 17, 2022
4:27 pm
Abbiamo avuto il piacere di conoscere Gorica di persona e di poter osservare tutte le sue opere. Magnifici pezzi sia della collezione vecchia che nuova.
Abbiamo acquistato il numero 365 della collezione Phoenix dopo averlo visionato di persona in Austria Gorica si è prodigata immediatamente per la spedizione con consegna che è avvenuta in poco più di 3 giorni a Milano.
Imballaggio impeccabile che ha preservato integralmente l'opera nella sua interezza e fragilitĂ ( essendo pasta di marmo!).
Artista gentile e ospitale ha reso l'acquisto un vero piacere che sono felice di aggiungere alla mia collezione.
wrote on August 14, 2022
8:56 pm
Liebe Gorica,
Deine KUNSTWerke sind einfach etwas ganz Besonderes. Nicht ohne Grund dĂĽrfen wir drei deiner EinzelstĂĽcke unser Eigen nennen. Jeder spricht uns auf die Bilder an und gibt sein eigenes (meist jedoch sehr positives Feedback) ab und fragt, woher wir diese Bilder haben :).
Wir bedanken uns hiermit nochmals fĂĽr deine Aufmerksamkeiten bzw. Geschenke, sei es Schokolade, das Kissen oder ein kleines StĂĽck vom groĂźen Ganzen!
Wir werden in Zukunft sicherlich noch weitere Werke erwerben und Dich unterstĂĽtzen.
Halte durch und gib nie auf!
Liebe GrĂĽĂźe
Marvin und Ariane
wrote on August 12, 2022
7:20 am
Gorica's work, wihich we saw on the internet quite by chance, stood out as one in a milion. Colors, depths, reliefs, ecerything enchanted us. We waited for a while until the right painting for us was born, and when it appeared we immediately wanted it for our home. And now, now we enjoy every day in something so special and unique, and at the same time calm an lively, harmonious and so chaotic. Thank you Gorica for the emotions you transferred to your painting and made it come alive for us🤎
Mirte Huijbregts
wrote on August 4, 2022
5:20 am
Dear Gorica, you make such beautiful work. We love, love, love, the painting we’ve bought from you!
You responded so quick and was so helpful. And even when I asked if the delivery was possible before my husbands birthday which was two weeks later you did everything in your power to get it here so again thank you.
Dear greetings, Mirte (from the Netherlands :-))
Tortoreto Abruzzo Italy
wrote on August 3, 2022
6:56 pm
Gorica e’ un’artista fantastica. Ha realizzato per il mio salone un capolavoro unico, che domina la stanza con i suoi colori e la sua fantasia dalla firma inconfondibile. Gorica, oltre ad avere una grande professionalita’ e delle grandi doti, e’ una persona seria, scrupolosa e molto gentile. La consiglio a tutti coloro che amano l’arte astratta contemporanea e che desiderano decorare i propri ambienti con gusto e personalita’.
Karin Nagiller-Krichbaumer
wrote on August 3, 2022
11:58 am
Liebe Gorica! Dein individualisiertes Bild anlässlich der Hochzeit meiner besten Freundin ist ein absolutes Highlight! Ein ganz ganz besonderes Geschenk, worüber sich das Brautpaar extrem gefreut hat.
Ich danke dir dafĂĽr, dass ich eine ganz spezielle Erinnerung ĂĽberreichen durfte!